About Us
In the digital age, attractive branding no longer plays the leading role in capturing consumer attention. Instead, brands need to spark excitement. They need to appeal to logic. They need to create an experience.
And that’s precisely how Exactive sets the stage. Exactive is a unique advertising agency that truly connects organizations with their target audiences while minimizing marketing costs, maximizing brand equity, and optimizing exposure. Specializing in marketing, branding, and advertising, Exactive integrates online and offline approaches to design, shape, and build the most effective in-depth strategies for brands.
With over 10 years of experience working with clients from diverse industries, Exactive has homed in on their proven networked solutions across the media lifecycle: from creative to planning to implementation and to promotion. A unique team is assigned to every part of the traditional process, while the agency’s Digital department promotes and manages websites, creates digital advertising tools, and develops applications. Together, the people at Exactive design a captivating, interactive brand experience – one that does more than engage the consumer, it influences action.